Saturday, February 22, 2020

Turkish Lobby in the European Union Case Study

Turkish Lobby in the European Union - Case Study Example Such a situation arose because rulers cannot be expected to know all the problems faced by their subjects. Hence, people have used various methods by which their views can be heard and understood by whatever power that governs them. This process developed to a situation where a group of influential persons were able to make a ruler comply to their wishes. This process known to the modern world as lobbying has been going on ever since a structured form of governance has existed. At present, lobbying plays a powerful role in influencing decisions of governments across the world. This process has developed to such an extent that a powerful lobby can influence even the governments of other countries. This paper is an attempt at studying the lobbying process that exists in Turkey with regard to the European Union. Turkey, has been trying to get full membership in the Union for a long time. In fact, the process started way back in September1959 when Turkey applied for an associate membersh ip in what was the European Economic Council (EEC). (EU Turkey Relations 2004). The timeline for the accession process is given here. After four years, in September 1963, the Ankara Agreement came into force where Turkey is to be taken into the Customs Union and also for full membership in the EEC. A financial protocol is also signed during this period. In 1970 an Additional Protocol and a second financial protocol is made and signed. This was in September of that year in Brussels. Both these were regarding the setting up of the Customs Union. Before accession could take place, Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974 and this created problems for accession since Cyprus was also a part of Europe. A military coup in the country on September 12, 1980 worsened the relationship between the Community and Turkey still further. Even so, the Community agreed to decrease customs duties gradually until it was to be removed totally, on Turkish agricultural products by the year 1987. The membership proces s came to a standstill until it was revived by the Turkish EEC Association Council in 1986. On April 14th 1987, turkey applies for full membership in the council instead of an Associate member. It took two years, until December 1989 for the

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