Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Arab Spring and the French Revolution Essay Example for Free

Arab Spring and the French Revolution Essay Prosper (Reap the rewards of your preparation and performance) The essay must include the following: Introduction paragraph (5 points) * First sentence is a quote used to â€Å"hook† the reader * You need to â€Å"in-text cite† the source of the quote * Then at least three sentences of French Revolution, Arab Spring background/historical context that sets up the thesis * Utilize facts from the French Revolution and Arab Spring * (Meaning: don’t respond to the prompt in the first four sentences) Thesis (15 points) A sophisticated, insightful, crystal clear thesis that states your argument and â€Å"drives† your essay * Thesis makes a claim that is analytical answering â€Å"why† or â€Å"How† (Hint: use the word â€Å"because†) * The thesis is the last sentence of the Introduction but is linked to each body paragraph topic (Claim) sentence Body Paragraphs Claim/Evidence (10 points) * Each topic (Claim) sentence must link to the Thesis otherwise I won’t read the paragraph; therefore no checks! * Each topic sentence must be supported with evidence from resources (utilizing details/facts—Characters, Setting, Plot, Quotes†¦Do Not Generalize!!! * A good rule of thumb is that each topic sentence (body paragraph) is supported with three evidences. Body Warrant/Analysis (10 points) * Include creative and thoughtful analysis * Make sense of FR/Prompt by stating something interesting and unique * Utilize â€Å"Big Idea† terms in your paragraphs (Analogy, Cause and Effect, Compare and Contrast, Foreshadowing, Irony, â€Å"Nothing New Under the Sun†, Paradox, â€Å"Turning Points†) * Explain the â€Å"Big Ideas† thoughtfully and completely Conclusion paragraph (5 points) Wrap the essay up with a conclusion that restates the main points of your essay * Do not include a new argument to the conclusion * Say something interesting: Leave me in awe, impressed; move my heart and mind! Mechanics/ MLA Requirements (10 points) * Excellent sentence structure, grammar and punctuation * The paper fulfills all MLA requirements (see checklist) * The Works Cited page is properly formatted (see checklist) * All of the required sources (3) are cited properly in the paper * The paper was submitted to turnitin. com by the deadline * The paper must be 850 1000 words Essay Rubric Unique/Original Strong Useful Basic Lacking Introduction (5/55)ExemplaryCommendable Capable Fair Poor 5 4. 5 4 3. 5 3 Proper Introduction†¦ * First sentence used to â€Å"hook† the reader * You need to â€Å"in-text cite† the source of the quote * Then at least three sentences of FR, Arab Spring background/historical context that sets up the thesis Unique/Original Strong Useful Basic Lacking Thesis (15/55)ExemplaryCommendable Capable Fair Poor 15 14 13 12 11 10 * A sophisticated, insightful, crystal clear thesis states your argument and â€Å"drives† your essay * Thesis makes a claim that is analytical answering â€Å"why† or â€Å"How† (Hint: use the word â€Å"because†) * The thesis is the last sentence of the Introduction but is linked to each body paragraph topic (Claim) sentence 2+ 21 20 19 17 16 13 12 11 Body: Claim/Evidence (10/55)ExemplaryCommendable Capable Fair Poor 10 pts 9 pts. 8 pts. 7 pts. 6 pts. * Each topic (Claim) sentence must link to the Thesis otherwise I won’t read the paragraph; therefore no checks! * Each topic (Claim) sentence must be supported with evidence from resources (utilizing details/facts People, Setting, Quotes†¦Do Not Generalize!!! ) * Each detail/fact will be checked (). The more checks () the better! Unique/Original Strong Useful Basic Lacking Body: Warrant/Analysis (10/55) ExemplaryCommendable Capable Fair Poor 10 pts 9 pts. 8 pts. 7 pts. 6 pts. * Include creative and thoughtful analysis * Say something interesting and unique * Utilize â€Å"Big Idea† terms in your sentences (Analogy, Cause and Effect, Compare and Contrast, Foreshadowing, Irony, â€Å"Nothing New Under the Sun†, Paradox, â€Å"Turning Points†) * Explain the â€Å"Big Ideas† thoughtfully and completely The ideas of the paper flow logically and are exceptionally stated Unique/Original Strong Useful Basic Lacking Conclusion (5/55)ExemplaryCommendable Capable Fair Poor 5 4. 5 4 3. 5 3 * Wrap the essay up with a conclusion that restates the main points of your essay * Do not include a new argument to the conclusion * Say something interesting: Leave me in awe, impressed; move my heart and mind! Excellent Strong Useful Basic Lacking ExemplaryCommendable Capable Fair Poor 0 pts 9 pts. 8 pts. 7 pts. 6 pts. Mechanics/MLA (10/55) * Excellent sentence structure, grammar and punctuation * The paper fulfills all MLA requirements (see checklist) * The Works Cited page is properly formatted (see checklist)

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