Friday, December 27, 2019

Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent Biography

Fluently bilingual, with an Irish mother and a Quà ©bà ©cois father, Louis St. Laurent was an apolitical lawyer when he went to Ottawa in 1941 to be Minister of Justice and Mackenzie Kings Quebec lieutenant temporarily until the end of the war. St. Laurent did not retire from politics until 1958. The post-war years were prosperous in Canada, and Louis St. Laurent expanded social programs and began many mega-projects. While the influence of Britain on Canada was gradually decreasing, the influence of the United States on Canada grew. Prime Minister of Canada 1948-57 Highlights as Prime Minister Newfoundland joined Canada 1949 (see Joey Smallwood)Trans-Canada Highway Act 1949Canada was a founding member of NATO 1949Canada contributed troops to the UN force in Korea from 1950 to 1953. More than 26,000 Canadians served in the Korean War and 516 died.Canada played a role in resolving Suez Crisis 1956St. Lawrence Seaway started construction 1954Introduced equalization payments to distribute federal taxes to provincial governments 1956Introduced universal old age pensionsProvided funds for hospital insuranceCreated Canada Council 1956 Birth and Death Born on February 1, 1882, in Compton, OntarioDied on July 25, 1973, in Quebec City, Quebec Education BA - St. Charles Seminary, Sherbrooke, QuebecLL.L - Laval University, Quebec City, Quebec Professional Background Corporate and constitutional lawyerLaw professorPresident of the Canadian Bar Association 1930-32Counsel, Rowell-Sirois Commission on Dominion-Provincial Relations Political Affiliation Liberal Party of Canada Riding (Electoral District) Quebec East Political Career of Louis St. Laurent In 1941, at the age of 59 and at the request of Mackenzie King, Louis St. Laurent agreed to be Minister of Justice until World War II was over. Louis St. Laurent was first elected to the House of Commons in a by-election in 1942. He was Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada from 1941 to 1946 and again in 1948, and Secretary of State for External Affairs from 1946 to 1948. He was elected Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada in 1948. In 1948, Louis St. Laurent was sworn in as Prime Minister of Canada. The Liberals won the general elections of 1949 and 1953. The Liberals lost the general election in 1957 and Louis St. Laurent became Leader of the Opposition. John Diefenbaker became Prime Minister. Louis St. Laurent resigned as Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada in 1958.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Exegesis of 1 Thessalonians 4 13-18 - 2295 Words

Exegesis of 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18 Historical Context Situated near the site of Therma on the Thermaic Gulf, Thessalonica was located near the northermost reaches of the Aegean Sea. â€Å"The ancient city was founded in Macedonia (a region that encompassed roughly the northern half of the Greek peninsula) about 315 b.c. by Cassander, who named it after his wife, Thessalonica, the daughter of Philip II and sister of Alexander the Great.† (Martin, 1995, p.21) Enjoying the status of a ‘free’, self-governing city (although still under Roman control), Thessalonica was the most inï ¬â€šuential city in Macaedonia. The city functioned as a very important trade city, as it was located on the Via Egnatia trade route (the major east-west highway†¦show more content†¦Introduction to the main body of teaching (verses 1-2). Paul takes the time to change the subject from the previous exhortations to the matters at hand, most likely the matters which the church had requested further teaching on. 2. Instruction on sexual behavior (verses 3-8). Paul brieï ¬â€šy lays out a positive case for sexual purity. Rather than listing the practices not to engage in, Paul outlines the positive motivations for believers to restrain themselves sexually; - That believers should be sanctiï ¬ ed, ie set apart from the world. That our behavior should not mirror that of the secular world around us - That God has called us to be Holy. We do not jus t aim to be set apart from men, but also to do the will of God. God has called us to use our bodies in a way which gloriï ¬ es him, and not for our own pleasures. 3. Instruction to avoid gossip and laziness. Paul here repeats an idea that he ï ¬ rst mentioned in chapter 2 - that as Christians, we are right to work for our own support and not to rely on others to shoulder our burdens. He further exhorts them to â€Å"mind their own business† (v.11 NIV), which is most likely a reference to those amongst the church who were gossips or ‘busybodies’. â€Å"Paul may have written these words thinking of the idle busybodies he mentioned in 5:14 and 2 Thess 3:11–13.† (Martin, 1995, p. 136) 4. Instruction and comfort regarding the return of Christ and the future of thoseShow MoreRelatedA Practical Apocalypse1894 Words   |  8 PagesThe purpose of this essay is to exegetically examine 1st Thessalonians 5:1-11. In this exercise I will seek to elucidate th e intention of the author in writing as he has and to show how the specific subject matter of these verses interrelates with the major themes of the Epistle. That Paul is the author of 1st Thessalonians is almost undisputed. Green is in agreement with Wanamaker who comments, No contemporary scholars of repute seem to doubt the Pauline character of the letter. The positionRead More Matthew 17: 1-13 Essay3271 Words   |  14 PagesIntroduction The passage of this exegetical paper, Matthew 17:1-13, is the narrative of the transfiguration of Jesus on a mountain with three of His disciples Peter, James and John as witnesses. Literary Criticism Context Matthew 16:21-28, the passage before mine, Jesus had revealed to His disciples His upcoming suffering, death and resurrection. He informed them that His followers would have to take up their cross to be with Him. Carrying your cross in that period of time meant a torturousRead MoreAnalysis of the Message of the New Testament2322 Words   |  10 Pages Bruce was a lifelong New Testament scholar who has authored â€Å"many critical and devotional works, and serves as Editor for THE NEW INTERNATIONAL COMMENTARY ON THE NEW TESTAMENT† (back cover). He was Ryland’s Professor of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis at the University of Manchester (back cover). Summary The single, most prominent message of the New Testament is that Jesus Christ is Lord is developed by Bruce from a â€Å"roughly chronological† order as he details the gradual development from the

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Tragedy occurs Essay Example For Students

Tragedy occurs Essay I think that one of the reasons that the tragedy occurs is superstition and fate, which are some of the powerful driving forces behind the movement of the plot. An example of this is the coincidental re-housing of Mrs Johnstone to the same village as Mrs Lyons moved to in order to get away from her, a coincidental event that meant that the tragedy was able to occur. The first example in the play is the superstition that you must never put new shoes on the table. Coming from a working class background Mrs Johnstone believes in such superstitions (though she denies it Im not superstitious) while Mrs Lyons laughs at the idea. However, moments later Mrs Lyons gives an example of how she herself is superstitious, by telling Mrs Johnstone to swear on the holy bible. This is a more upper class superstition. As Mrs Lyons mental health deteriorates her paranoia drives her to be far more superstitious and when shoes are placed on the table for the second time in the play she rushes at the table and sweeps them off. Also she fears gypsies in the wood that will try and take her baby away and her paranoia creates a bogey man that is always watching her ready to snatch her child and always following her around. The role of the bogey man is filled, to an extent, by the narrator who, throughout the play enforces the idea of superstition and that Mrs Lyons reckoning will come. He does this my using dramatic music and singing songs about the salts been spilled and someone broke the looking glass (mirror). This also keeps reminding us that fate and superstition are steering the play towards a tragic end. The third strong female character is Linda who, in a way, acts as a bridge between the two classes, between the two brothers throughout the play. Even when they were young Linda was a much stronger character than the brothers being the only one to stand up to Sammy, Leave him alone And also, when Mickey has missed and Eddie has missed Linda was the only one to hit the target, physically and mentally. At the beginning it is the simple ways that Lindas character is stronger than Mickeys but as the play progresses we see her stand up to the teacher for him, Leave off him you big worm And eventually, after Mickey has come out of prison, she supports him through his depression, and while he needs his pills, I need me pills. This shows that she has deep feelings for him and because of her strong character she is able to support him. However, when Mickey was too weak to stop taking his pills she is unable to stick with him and she goes to Eddie whom she always loved as mush as Mickey. After Mrs Lyons reveals the relationship between Eddie and Linda to Mickey (which is ironic because it led to the death of her adopted son) their relationship leads to the final scene in which the Blood Brothers die. This completes the circle and the play ends as it began, just like Greek tragedies. At the end of the play the role of Linda is very important because she symbolises the future of the working classes. As the young survivor she is the hope that makes the end not entirely tragic and is the only key character that is able to walk away and move on after the deaths of the two brothers. This is an important feature because it means that the audience will appreciate that even after the greatest tragedy hope lives on. Overall, Willy Russell made the women characters strong, powerful, determined and in Mrs Lyons case, manipulative compared to the males who were weak (not physically but mentally) gullible naive and immature. .ue6c2ecf8b0521ddf5139f282a4ef099f , .ue6c2ecf8b0521ddf5139f282a4ef099f .postImageUrl , .ue6c2ecf8b0521ddf5139f282a4ef099f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue6c2ecf8b0521ddf5139f282a4ef099f , .ue6c2ecf8b0521ddf5139f282a4ef099f:hover , .ue6c2ecf8b0521ddf5139f282a4ef099f:visited , .ue6c2ecf8b0521ddf5139f282a4ef099f:active { border:0!important; } .ue6c2ecf8b0521ddf5139f282a4ef099f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue6c2ecf8b0521ddf5139f282a4ef099f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue6c2ecf8b0521ddf5139f282a4ef099f:active , .ue6c2ecf8b0521ddf5139f282a4ef099f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue6c2ecf8b0521ddf5139f282a4ef099f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue6c2ecf8b0521ddf5139f282a4ef099f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue6c2ecf8b0521ddf5139f282a4ef099f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue6c2ecf8b0521ddf5139f282a4ef099f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue6c2ecf8b0521ddf5139f282a4ef099f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue6c2ecf8b0521ddf5139f282a4ef099f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue6c2ecf8b0521ddf5139f282a4ef099f .ue6c2ecf8b0521ddf5139f282a4ef099f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue6c2ecf8b0521ddf5139f282a4ef099f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: In what ways does Hardy make The Superstitious Man's Story like a true ghost story and not like a fantasy EssayThis is very similar to another of Willy Russells plays, Shirley Valentine. I think that the women characters are made stronger as a reflection on Willy Russells childhood, where he had a very strong matriarchal figure, represented by Mrs Johnstone and an absent father figure, represented by Mr Johnstone. Another thing I saw was that although Mrs Lyons was rich and middle class she is a much crueller and more manipulative than the poorer, working class people. This shows that being a higher class does not make you a better person and is included because Willy Russell had a working class background. Willy Russell uses ideas from literature such as Shakespeare and from Greek tragedy, he also manipulates the plot using ironic twists, such as the fact that Mrs Lyons told Mickey about eddy and Lindas relationship and that in turn led to her sons death. In some ways these ironies add to the tragedy. On the other hand, it is Mrs Johnstone who suffers the most after the tragedy which is slightly fitting, as she is arguably the best at coping through adversity and tragedy.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The US Army Corps of Engineers

The United States Army Corps of Engineers, denoted as USACE, is a federal organization is charged with the responsibility of public works and construction. The agency is situated within the Department of Defense meaning that is under direct supervision of the executive. The organization was originally set up to assist in the construction of canals and saving lives during catastrophic events such as floods.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on The US Army Corps of Engineers specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Its main aim is to offer important public engineering in both the times of peace and war. This is aimed at strengthening the country’s defense, revitalizing the financial system and reducing the risks of natural disasters. The agency is supposed to perform four major duties including setting up and designing tresses and dams. Moreover, it is depended upon to construct flood prevention systems. The third f unction is to put up and manage military facilities to serve the army, the air force and the navy. Finally, it is mandated to preserve the environment. The agency receives funds from the government but after approval by the concerned subcommittee. The US Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water usually approves the funds for the agency, which is one of the twelve subcommittees in the American senate. The Subcommittee on Defense controls the sanctioning of other defense activities but the Army Corps is under a different Subcommittee, even though it is under the department of defense. Apart from overseeing the funding of the Army Corps of Engineers, the Subcommittee on Energy oversees the operations of other agencies such as nuclear waste disposal and nuclear regulatory agencies. In the current senate, the California senate referred to as Dianne Feinstein, chairs the Subcommittee while the minority member is the Tennessee senator, who is ranked as the highest member amon g the minority members (Mikesell, 2010). Regarding functional classifications, the Army Corps of Engineers falls under the national defense category, coded 050. U.S. Bureau of Land Management The agency in charge of land management is based in the US department of the interior, which is the ministry in charge of handling issues related land. The agency is also supposed to oversee the management of minerals lying beneath the earth surface. Even though the agency is projected to oversee the management of public land, it is also involved in resolving issues related to private land ownership and state land.Advertising Looking for assessment on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The main objective of the agency is to sustain health, diversity and productivity of the public land. This means that the use of public land should observe the policy of sustainable development whereby the present generation should prese rve resources for the future generation. The agency falls within the executive arm of government owing to its sensitivity. However, the agency is partly independent because it was formed through the act of parliament. The executive can only interfere in matters undertaken by the agency in case state security is under threat (Skillen, 2009). For instance, the executive intervenes in case the issue thorny issue threatens to cause public disharmony. The subcommittee on interior and the environment manages the management of the affairs of the agency in terms of budgetary allocations. Simpson Mike of Idaho currently chairs the subcommittee. Under the functional category, the agency falls under the natural resources and environment unit. It is usually referred to as functional unit number 300, which is supposed to protect the environment and preserve the public land. The agency works closely with other agencies such as the Army Corps of Engineers to ensure that the environment is clean an d the public land is used in accordance with the law. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation The Bureau of Reclamation is a governmental body dedicated to the management of water resources in the country. The department of the Interior controls the agency meaning that it is partly autonomous. However, the executive will always intervene in its activities just in case matters of national security are at stake. Water is an essential commodity in any country and the government of the day will never allow private entities to control its supply. Therefore, the executive ensures that the agency serves the citizens appropriately. The agency is the only governmental organization licensed to distribute water to the American citizens. The agency collaborates with other governmental bodies to ensure that clean water is availed to citizens at an affordable price. In some parts of the country, such as the western US, the agency is relied upon in generating hydroelectric power. The Appropriations Subcommitte e on Energy and Water is charged with the responsibility of commissioning the agency’s funds. For instance, in the 2013 funding legislation, the subcommittee allocated approximately $33.361 to the department.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on The US Army Corps of Engineers specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The agency falls in the same functional category as the agency in charge of land management. This means that it is categorized under natural resources and environment. The agency gained relevance during and after the Second World War given that everybody needed its services. Currently, it is undertaking over 180 projects in some parts of the country, particularly the seventeen states in the west. Through the efforts of the agency, the agricultural production and the living standards of the poor have been improved. The agency was able to complete projects worth $11.0 billion in early 1990s. U.S. Coast Guard The coast guard is an extension of the armed forces implying that it falls directly under the department of defense. The agency operates under the department of homeland security because it is charged with the duty of overseeing both the American and international waters. The executive controls the agency at all times since its role is to offer protection to the American interests at the coast domestically and internationally. For instance, the head of state has the power to transfer the operations of the agency to the navy. The agency is a bit different from other armed forces agencies because it either can operate under the military or can act in accordance to the advice of the president. The main duties of the agency are to provide maritime security, safety and stewardship. The appropriations subcommittee charged with the role of sanctioning funds for the agency is the Homeland Security Subcommittee. The functional category under which the agency is grouped is the national defense (050) (Patashnik, 1999). It is in the same category as other military agencies and security agencies such as the FBI. The agency monitors all activities taking place in the sea, including trade. For instance, the agency must inspect all cargo before entering and leaving the country. The American constitution allows the agency to enforce the federal law meaning that it has a wide jurisdiction. U.S. Bureau of Land Management Budget for the year 2012 The agency in charge of land management is under the department of interior, as earlier noted in the previous sections of this article. In the financial year 2011/2012, the department was allocated some funds to conduct its activities as regards to land management. As compared to the budget before, the 2011/2012 budget fell by a considerable margin. The funds allocated to soil, water and air management were less by $ 16,686 because the activity was allocated $ 46,303, down from $ 62,989 the previous year. However, the activity had been allocated $ 46,303 by the agency. This means that the estimated figures were approved without any adjustments. Range management activity was allotted $71603. The agency had also approximated the same amount. Nevertheless, the figure was less by $5,312.Advertising Looking for assessment on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Forestry management received $9,730, down from $9,945 the previous year. However, the subcommittee approved the estimates without any changes. The funds assigned to Riparian management were approximated at $23,805 and the subcommittee approved it without any adjustment. The funds for the fiscal year 2011/2012 were above those allocated to the activity the previous year. It exceeded those allocated to the previous year by $247. This showed the government’s commitment to improve the activity in the country. It was a blow to the agency concerning cultural resources management because the subcommittee failed to approve its estimate of $25,614. The subcommittee downsized the figure to $16,131. Moreover, the figure was down from $16,816 the previous year meaning that it had a deficit of -685. The world horse and Bruno management received $75,008, which was also the approximated amount. Nevertheless, the figure could not be compared to that of the previous year, which was $75,753. I n total, the agency received $241,310 as compared to the previous year’s $265,223. The agency had however approximated a funding of $251,310 (Kirst, 1990). References Kirst, M. (1990). Accountability: Implications for state and local policy perspectives. Washington, DC: Office of Educational Research and Improvement. Mikesell, J.L. (2010). Public Budgeting and Finance: Fiscal Administration: Analysis and Applications for the Public Sector (8th ed). Mason, OH: Cenage Learning Patashnik, E. (1999). Ideas, Inheritances, and the Dynamics of Budgetary Change. Governance, 12(2), 147-174. Skillen, J. (2009). The Nation’s Largest Landlord: The Bureau of Land Management in the American West. Kansas: University Press of Kansas. This assessment on The US Army Corps of Engineers was written and submitted by user Saige Mcfadden to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

About Arata Isozaki, Architect of Japanese New Wave

About Arata Isozaki, Architect of Japanese New Wave Arata Isozaki (born July 23, 1931 in Oita, Kyushu, Japan) has   been called emperor of Japanese architecture and an engineer of controversy.   Some say he is Japans guerrilla architect for defying conventions, challenging the status quo, and refusing to establish a brand or architectural look. Japanese architect Arata Isozaki is known for using bold, exaggerated forms and inventive detailing. Born and educated in Japan, Arata Isozaki often integrates Eastern ideas into his designs. For example, in 1990 Isozaki wanted to express a yin-yang theory of positive and negative space when he designed the Team Disney Building in Orlando, Florida. Also, because the offices were to be used by time-conscious executives, he wanted the architecture to make a statement about time. Serving as offices for the Walt Disney Corporation, the Team Disney Building is a startling postmodern landmark on the otherwise barren stretch of Floridas Route I-4. The oddly looped gateway suggests gigantic Mickey Mouse ears. At the buildings core, a 120-foot sphere forms the worlds largest sundial. Inside the sphere is a serene Japanese rock garden. Isozakis Team Disney design won a prestigious National Honor Award from the AIA in 1992. In 1986, Isozaki was awarded the prestigious Royal Gold Medal from the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). Education and Professional Accomplishments Arata Isozaki studied at the University of Tokyo, graduating in 1954 from the Department of Architecture in the Faculty of Engineering. In 1946, noted Japanese architect Kenzo Tange (1913–2005) had organized what became known as the Tange Laboratory at the University. When Tange received the 1987 Pritzker Prize, the jury citation acknowledged Tange to be an inspiring teacher and noted that Arata Isozaki was one of the well-known architects who studied with him. Isozaki honed his own ideas about Postmodernism with Tange. After school, Isozaki continued an apprenticeship with Tange for nine years before establishing his own firm in 1963, Arata Isozaki Associates. Isozakis first commissions were public buildings for his hometown. The Oita Medical Center (1960), the 1966 Oita Prefectural Library (now an art plaza), and the Fukuoka Sogo Bank, Oita Branch (1967) were experiments in concrete cubes and Metabolist concepts. The Gunma Museum of Modern Art (1974) in Takasaki City was a more high-profile and refined example of his previous work- stacked concrete cubes- and the beginning of his museum architecture commissions. His first US commission was in Los Angeles, California, the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) in 1986, which led Isozaki to become one of Walt Disneys architects. His design for the Team Disney Building in Orlando, Florida (1990) put him on Americas Postmodernist map. Arata Isozaki is known for using bold, exaggerated forms and inventive detailing. The Art Tower Mito (ATM) in Ibaraki, Japan (1990) bears this out. An otherwise subdued, low-level arts complex has at its center a shiny, metallic array of triangles and tetrahedrons rising over 300 feet as an observation deck to the cultural buildings and the Japanese landscape. Other notable buildings designed by Arata Isozaki Associates include the Sports Hall, Olympic Stadium in Barcelona, Spain (1992); Kyoto Concert Hall in Japan (1995); Domus Museum of Mankind in La Coruà ±a, Spain (1995); the Nara Convention Center (Nara Centennial Hall), Nara, Japan (1999); and the Weill Cornell Medical College, Qatar (2003). In Chinas 21st century building boom, Isozaki has designed the Shenzhen Cultural Center (2005), the Hezheng Museum of Natural History (2008), and with Yasushisa Toyota hes finished Shanghai Symphony Hall (2014). Well into his 80s, Arata Isozaki took on the CityLife Project in Milan, Italy. Along with Italian architect Andrea Maffei, Isozaki completed the Allianz Tower in 2015. With 50 floors above the ground, the Allianz is one of the tallest structures in all of Italy. The modern skyscraper is stabilized by four buttresses. It was possible to use more traditional techniques, Maffei told, but we preferred to emphasize the mechanics of the skyscraper, leaving them exposed and emphasizing them with a gold color. New Wave Styles Many critics have identified Arata Isozaki with the movement known as Metabolism. More often, Isozaki is seen as the catalyst behind the imaginative, Japanese New Wave architecture. Beautifully detailed and composed, often conceptually powerful, the buildings typical of this avant-garde group are strongly single-minded, writes Joseph Giovannini in The New York Times. The critic goes on to describe the design of MOCA: Pyramids of various sizes serve as skylights; a half-cylinder barrel roof covers the library; the main forms are cubic. The galleries themselves have a visual stillness about them that is particularly Japanese....Not since the French architectural visionaries of the 18th century has an architect used solid geometric volumes with such clarity and purity, and never with his sense of playfulness. - Joseph Giovannini, 1986 Learn More Arata Isozaki by Arata Isozaki and Ken Tadashi Oshima, Phaidon, 2009Japan-ness in Architecture, essays by Arata Isozaki, MIT Press, 2006The Museum of Modern Art, Gunma by Arata Isozaki, Phaidon, 1996New Wave Japanese Architecture by Kisho Kurokawa, Wiley, 1993 Sources: Metropolitan Museum of Art; Modern Architecture by Kenneth Frampton, 3rd ed., TH 1992, pp. 283-284; Arata Isozaki: From Japan, A New Wave of International Architects by Joseph Giovannini, The New York Times, August 17, 1986 [accessed June 17, 2015]; Interview with Andrea Maffei on the Realization of Milans Allianz Tower by philip stevens, designboom, November 3, 2015 [accessed July 12, 2017] [IMAGE CREDIT]

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Native American Beliefs and Practices essays

Native American Beliefs and Practices essays Many Native Americans, particularly in the Southwest have maintained their original traditions. Most follow a personal faith that combines traditional and Christian elements. Many have been devoted Christians for generations. Pan Indianism is a recent movement which encourages a return to traditional beliefs. Creating a common Native religion is an important goal for this movement. In the Inuit culture, spiritual beliefs revolve around the idea that anua (souls) exist in all people and animals. Members of the tribe must follow a complex system of taboos to assure the hunters that the animals will continue to be accessible. Many rituals and ceremonies are performed before and after hunting expeditions to assure hunting success. The Angakut or Shaman is the spiritual leader of each tribe. He is able to interpret the causes of sickness or lack of hunting success. Originating from the Ojibway (Chippewa) tribe, dream catchers are an American Indian tradition. The dream catcher is a tool used by various Native American Indian tribes to separate the bad from the good. Hung above the bed, a dream catcher protects the sleeper from bad dreams and negative influences. Some believe that it serves as a spiritual protector .The dream catcher is believed to let the good dreams pass through while trapping and destroying the bad. Others believe the bad pass through the center hole while the good are preserved in the web. Some tribes believe that dream catchers also represent the circle of life, with birth starting at the outer rim. In order to make a dream catcher, the people would tie strands in a web around a small round frame. The legend is that the bad dreams will get caught in the web. . A knot in the webbing of the dream catcher was considered good luck. They believed it symbolized the tying together of different aspects of the persons life, such as marriage. Small items are added to personalize them such as f...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Country Analysis Outline Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Country Analysis - Outline Example is a landlocked country in north-eastern Africa with most of the people belonging to the different tribes but many of them are not Muslims unlike that of Sudan itself. South Sudan had one of the longest civil wars in Africa starting from 1972 and ending in 2005 with a Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). Much of the country is dependent on subsistence farming due to the ancient nomadic agriculture. Frankly speaking, the country has very few resources except oil but has plenty of challenges to tackle before it can make any significant progress. (186) Political situation – it is quite ironic how a young country like South Sudan which had just emerged from a long and protracted civil war is now again embroiled in another civil war that is being fought between two former political allies. Its current president Salva Kiir Mayardit has accused his former vice president and other accomplices of trying to stage a coup detat. President Kiir belongs to the Dinka ethnic tribe while his ex-deputy Mr. Riek Machar belongs to the Nuer tribe. The conflict has drawn outside forces from nearby Uganda who are helping government troops fight the rebels lead by Machar and other allied tribes. This new ensuing political instability due to a power struggle along ethnic lines has disrupted the development plans of the young country and has killed at least 10,000 from both sides with 400,000 who fled to neighboring countries while another 1 million people are displaced internally. The current conflict poses a serious risk to South Sudan and if allowed to linger, it can be the source of further political instability that weakens government institutions and possibly make it a failed state like Somalia where there is no central government. Although the people of the country had identified themselves as members of a group distinct from pre-partition Sudan as they are not Muslims but Christians and animists, the new government has so far failed in its mission and vision to implement a new